User clicks in one pane and proceeds to page up or page down in that pane, The problem is that once the active window is split into 2 panes and the March I upgraded one User's machine to Office 2004 and problems now occur for
The macro has worked fine on Jaguar, Panther and Tiger running Word X. Need to use the GUI to manually split their active window into two panes. The macro is executed via a shortcut key so that the User doesn't This macro is in a UserModule in a Startup template that all documents haveĪccess to. I'm having an odd problem with one of my Word macros on a single Mac (OSXġ0.4.11 and Word 11.3.5) that splits or unsplits a User's active window via a SplitVertical problem in Word 11.3.5 Hi all, Text.So I have to write the explain in the next line,is there an other Word puts Fig1.(explain), but I don't want it past explain in my Under a figure and when I put it's cross reference in the text. I am using of Table of Figure, I put Fig1.(explain)